Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Phaeton Dernière Danse & Radical Change - Cave Canem

Cassette, C30
Label : Dedali Opera, France

Collaboration cassette between french artist Phaeton Dernière Danse (aka Alain Basso, a Denier Du Culte member and the man who ran the Dedali Opera label) and italian act Radical Change.

Tracklist :

A1. Entre Chiens Et Loups (3:28)
A2. Le Foyer (6:19)
A3. La Louve (4:09)
B1. L'Attente Cruelle (4:23)
B2. Purifié Par Le Tranchant (4:30)
B3. L'Heure Du Barde (4:57)

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Various Artists - Granulation

Label : Collectif & Cie / AMEG, France / Suisse, 1992

Tracklist :

1. Rainer Boesch - Mécaniques (14:12)
2. Bernard Donzel-Gargand - Coquillage (12:30)
3. Lieutenant Caramel - La Boite De Pandore (10:31)
4. Claude Jordan - Un Coup De Dés (2:57)
5. Nicolas Sordet - Cydor Automnal (8:10)
6. Peter Ehrnrooth - Turbulences (8:17)
7. Philippe Moënne-Loccoz - Aspérités (12:06)

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Various Artists - Compilation Musiques Electroacoustiques

Label : Collectif & Cie / AMEG, France / Suisse, 1988

French electro-acoustic music recorded in the Collectif & Cie studio in Annecy, France.

Tracklist :

1. Bernard Donzel-Gargand - Chroniques (12:05)
2. Peter Ehrnrooth - Le Rêve Du Corniste (11:00)
3. Philippe Moënne-Loccoz - Traces, Chutes... Etc... (11:32)
4. Rainer Boesch - *** (11:58)
5. Joseph Raguin - 33 337 (11:19)
6. Nicolas Sordet - Laurian (5:35)

Monday, April 19, 2010

Parazite - Rude Raid / Rats

Cassette, C30
Label : Le Syndicat, France, circa 1985
Ripped by Rainier

That tape was released by the label Le Syndicat but has nothing to do with the band Le Syndicat. Parazite was Marc Caro's band. "Rude Raid" and "Rats" are the soundtracks of two Régine Chopinot choreographies.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Le Syndicat - Hammerbones / Putrefied Brain

Cassette, C60
Label : Ladd-Frith, US
Ripped by Mafarka


Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Le Syndicat - Rectal Strugle

Cassette, C60
Label : Broken Flag, UK, 1985
Ripped by jx

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Le Syndicat - Audiostatik Repress

Cassette, C60
Label : Le Syndicat, France, 1983
Ripped by Rainier

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Le Syndicat - Phase Segments / Phase Boucles

Cassette, C60
Label : Le Syndicat, France, 1982
Ripped by Mafarka

This is the first of four early obscure masterpieces by Le Syndicat I'm gonna post now...
More rare Le Syndicat recordings here.

Sunday, April 4, 2010

A.I.Z - Live

Cassette, C60
Label : Geschmack Records, Japan, 1987
Limited edition of 100 numbered copies
Ripped by Leichenschrei

Great live recordings from 1986.

Thursday, April 1, 2010

A.I.Z - Untitled

Cassette, C30
Label : Parano Art Production, France, 1983
Ripped by Rainier

That seems to be the very first A.I.Z cassette. The second one can be donwloaded here.

Tracklist :

A1. Mariage
A2. No Bop
A3. Get A Move On
A4. No Possible Life
A5. Mix Up
B1. Just A Factory Day
B2. Kommuniks Are Break Off
B3. Boredom
B4. Death Garden